Tag Archives: Minneapolis Car Accident Attorney

‘Hands-Free Bill’ Advances Through Minnesota Legislature
The last time the Minnesota Senate considered a tougher distracted driving law, a few key lawmakers killed it. But this time, a similar provision may have smooth sailing to the governor’s desk. The Senate Transportation Committee recently approved the so-called “Hands-Free Bill” on a voice vote. If the bill clears the Senate Finance Committee,… Read More »

Why Is Vicarious Liability Important In Minnesota?
Nationwide, over one driver in ten has no auto insurance. Moreover, the Gopher State has one of the lowest auto insurance minimum requirements in the country. So, thousands of other drivers are dangerously underinsured. If either uninsured or underinsured drivers cause car accidents, these victims often have a hard time obtaining fair compensation. Fortunately,… Read More »

Neck Injuries And Other Car Crash Injuries In Minnesota
For many car wrecks in Minneapolis, emergency medical care alone could cost over $65,000. This sum does not include follow-up medical care, physical therapy, and other related expenses. Many health insurance companies refuse to pay these costs for liability reasons, and many families cannot possibly afford to pay out of pocket. To solve this… Read More »

Momentum Builds For Lower Minnesota BAC Threshold
Several months after Utah lawmakers reduced that state’s definition of “intoxicated” from a .08 BAC to a .05 BAC, a new report suggests that the Gopher State should do the same thing. How would the change affect Minneapolis drunk driving damage claims? The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine suggested the move as… Read More »

What is Personal Injury Protection Insurance?
Car accident victims deserve a speedy and just recovery. Car accidents can have a detrimental impact on your mental and physical well-being. Victims often experience high medical costs from their injuries. Worrying about paying expenses for injuries you received as a result of a car accident places more strain on you and your family…. Read More »

Examining the Duty of Care Element in Negligence Cases
Many personal injury claims are based on the legal theory of negligence. A party’s injuries usually stem from the negligent action or inaction of the other party. A victim who is hurt through no fault of their own can recover from the negligent party. A personal injury attorney will fight to hold the negligent… Read More »