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Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyer

What Types of Damages Can I Recover in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Personal Injury Lawsuit

Recovering damages for an injury you occurred is your legal right. You should receive compensation for the damages and harm you encountered. An experienced Minneapolis personal injury lawyer can evaluate your claim and file a claim on your behalf. Gunther Law Office realizes that each case is different as are the circumstances surrounding the claim. We will give you the individualized attention and care you deserve.

Why You Need a Skilled Attorney

Minnesota also has limitations on damages and time limits on when a file can be claimed. An attorney will ensure your claim is filed within the necessary time frame so you can recover damages. Failing to file by the deadline will bar you from recovering any damages. Do not waste time with so much at stake. The sooner you hire an attorney, the quicker your claim can be filed. Do not let the technicalities of deadlines ruin your recovery.

Types of Damages

Economic damages, also called special damages, are monetary quantifiable costs accrued because of the injury. Types of economic damages are:

Medical expenses:

  • Lost wages
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages are general damages that are difficult to put a monetary value on. Examples of non-economic damages are:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

The amount of damages awarded is based on the type and severity of the sustained injuries. The more severe the injury the more you are likely to receive in damages. Injuries that involve broken bones, body disfigurement, and permanent disability receive high awards.

Limitations on Damages

The monetary amount you can recover for general damages is limited in certain types of lawsuits. Pain and suffering is limited to $438,800 for pain and suffering in product liability and medical malpractice claims. There is an exception for very serious claims where the maximum amount that can be awarded is increased to $783,500. In workers’ compensation, death, and certain injury claims there is no recovery allotted at all for pain and suffering damages.

Minnesota also applies modified comparative negligence. If the injured party is 50% or more at fault for the incurred injury, he cannot recover damages. This principle means although the defendant contributed to the resulting injury, the plaintiff was equally or more responsible and the defendant should therefore not have to pay damages.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Do not settle with an insurer before consulting an attorney. Insurers focus on saving money while we focus on doing what is best for you. We have your best interest in mind. You should be able to focus on recovering from your injury without the stress of a lawsuit. We will handle all of your legal needs so you can focus on getting better. You will not be charged any attorney fees or costs unless your case is successful. We provide quality representation for every client. Contact a Gunther Law Office personal injury attorney at 612-305-4450 for a free consultation today. Rest assured knowing you are in trusted, experienced hands.


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